Call For Papers

ICTLA 2016 - IOARP International Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment offers a forum for academics, scientists, researchers, and practitioners to discuss, explore and develop, theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, learning, and assessment. ICTLA 2016 platform aims to provide the participants with a unique networking opportunity for imparting knowledge and sharing contemporary research ideas and practices. Besides accepting author contributions on the core topics in the domain, we are particularly interested in manuscripts employing interdisciplinary approaches, potentially drawing from domains such as sociology, psychology, cultural studies, history, language, economics, gender studies, STEM, health, politics, and criminology. 

Authors are invited to submit their contributions in form of theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative and critical methods, action-based research, and case studies, on topics of teaching, learning, and assessment, including but not limited to the following; 


Important Instructions

The papers submitted to the ICTLA 2017 must present unpublished work, not under consideration elsewhere. Each submission will be peer-reviewed by at least two Technical Programme Committee Members. The maximum length of a paper is 8 pages in IOARP paper format available in Author Instructions section. Submissions not conforming to the IOARP paper format will not be reviewed. 


Submitting Papers for a Review

Author submissions for ICTLA 2016 are accepted through IES - IOARP Editorial SystemsTM and authors are required to create an IES Author Account. IES also provides other account types such as Editor and Area Editor/Reviewer accounts. For further information on the IES please Visit IES on 


Conference Proceedings

Accepted and presented papers of ICTLA 2016 will be published in the conference proceedings on IOARP Digital LibraryTM which is the IOARP portal dedicated to publishing high-quality research on a wide range of subjects. 


Abstracting & Indexing

Conference proceedings and journals published in IOARP Digital LibraryTM are vastly indexed and abstracted through a wide range of renowned indexing and abstracting services. To find out more about the abstracting and indexing please refer to the relevant section of this website or write to us on 


Publication Opportunities

Authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts for publication in the following journals;


Important Dates*

Paper Submission Deadline

15 September, 2016

Acceptance Notification

15 October, 2016

Camera Ready Submission

31 October, 2016

Registration Deadline

31 October, 2016

Conference Dates

10-12 December, 2016

*Midnight EST


About the IOARP

ICTLA 2016 is being organized by the IOARP - International Organisation for Advancement of Research Publications. IOAPR is a UK research organisation that endeavors to provide a platform for researchers through its conferences to discuss fundamental advances, the current state of the technology, outcomes of ongoing research and emerging issues in various subject areas including engineering and computing. IOARP also publishes scholarly journals and books on different subjects and a broad range of topics. To read more about IOARP, please visit


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